Friday, July 31, 2009

Early Steps

A few days ago I had a great (unexpected) conversation with a coordinator from Early Steps about Baby Signs classes. We were looking into enrolling Dylan into some physical therapy for crawling with Early Steps. Although as it stands now little man has taken off, wind beneath his wings with the crawling. Well I got into a great conversation with the coordinator about Baby Signs. The topic some how happened to come up while we were trying to figure out schedules. I was surprised about how thrilled and interested she was about Baby Signs classes in my area. She asked for some business cards to pass on to the therapists, and raved about how wonderful baby sign language is for infants. She told me that over 80% of their therapy cases are for speech therapy in infants and they encourage baby sign language for these babies to help better communicate with their caregivers while their speech improves. They also love it for children/babies with disabilities. She also encouraged me to email them about my classes so they can advertise it in their newsletter. I just thought I would share her enthusiasm for the program and baby sign language!

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