Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to prepare your baby for cold and flu season

Here is a great article by the founders of Baby Signs about protecting your baby and toddler and cold and flu season.

How to Prepare Your Baby For Cold & Flu Season
By Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Susan Goodwyn
As children go back to school, they become exposed to new viruses and bring them home to share with the family. If you have an infant in the house, there's a good possibility that you'll be caring for a sick baby at least once during the upcoming cold and flu season.

Sometimes it's hard to know when your baby or toddler is sick. Your baby might have a low-grade fever, but when she can't talk, there's no way for her to tell if her throat hurts or her ears ache. With the H1N1 swine flu virus looming on the horizon, it's especially important for parents to know that they CAN communicate with their baby when it comes to health issues. That's why we encourage you to start now to each these simple signs that will help your baby:

•tell you if he's feeling (HOT, COLD, SICK)

•tell you where she's feeling pain (HURT)

•know what to expect during a visit to the doctor (HELP, DOCTOR, MEDICINE)

•understand when the pain will end when getting an immunization (ALL DONE)

•communicate about health-promoting activities (WASH)

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